Hyprland & Arch Linux

I have been playing with Hyprland on and off. There is a lot of nice setups out there including:
Both are great and you should setup a new user account and explore both. Of the two, I prefer JakooLit's as more polished with a lot of options. I decided to try and run this on the same user account that I have been using with Plasma6.
Using Plasma and Hyprland on the same user account
There are issues with doing this and giving fair warning. The biggest issue is Signal and Vivaldi browser both were using kwallet. Now you can just blow away your wallet and start over but I wanted to try and make it work with kwallet. If you clean out your dot-configs and do a clean install you will not have to worry about kwallet issues
First thing is you need to edit /etc/pam.d/sddm
Uncomment these two lines
auth optional pam_kwallet5.so
session optional pam_kwallet5.so auto_start
Need to edit ~/.config/Signal/ephemeral.json
and change maximized to true.
Next is run from terminal.
signal-desktop --password-store="kwallet6" &
vivaldi --password-store="kwallet6" &
It should ask the password for kwallet and then open the app.

Clipboard issues
Both ml4w and jakoolit both exec-once
wl-paste --type text --watch cliphist store
wl-paste --type image --watch cliphist store
Cut and Paste from Chrome-based browsers to Electron apps was another issue I had to overcome. I always thought it was the Electron apps fault such as signal-desktop that could not paste images. It turned out to be Chrome-based issue and easily fixed by going to your chrome://flags
and searching for wayland
and make the following change.

I created a new account and fresh install with my slimmed down dotfiles and went with Jakoolit dotfiles