
Always a good question! Why indeed! Wait which why?
Why did a start this blog?
Well I have https://geoffcorey.github.io where all my past posts have been written. It was written in Jekyll and frankly, I think the whole mechanism is cool that it generates a static website but writing in markdown is generally a pain. Yeah I could do Obsidian and export, commit, push to github and let it do it's thing but I don't like it.
Another reason is I wanted to add pages about me and my career because frankly, LinkedIn is a mess and I am going to delete my account.
Why are you deleting LinkedIn?
Well, first off, I have never gotten a job in my long career through LinkedIn, nor any of the recruiters that hammer me 4-8 times a week that don't even bother to read my resume.
Second there seems to be an uptick in spear phishing attacks that suspiciously looks like it was from information off my LinkedIn page. I don't know if some bad actor signed up on LinkedIn posing as a recruiter to get my info but it sure does feel it.
Third the site feed looks almost as bad as the dumpster fire Facebook has become. I dumped Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and Reddit a long time ago and LinkedIn is the last of the (anti-)social networks I am still on and feels right to dump that too due to lack of value.
What about your connections?
I had over 500+ connections and sync'd my contacts before hibernating the account. Every so often I would reactivate my account to see the dumpster fire. Last time I reactivated I see that Microsoft/LinkedIn doesn't like that behavior so they unlinked all my contacts. That makes it easier to just delete the account.